Bill Gates-"You must use this now"

CNN News > Shark Tank

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Microsoft creates new product that completely powers your home by simply plugging it into any wall

Everyone must start using this

You will never have to pay another power bill again

Almost Sold Out - Get Yours Now

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> Shark Tank history made with this product
> Mark Cuban and Zuckerberg are using this
> Plugs into any wall and ends power costsa

A three-week winter dry spell left the baker California snowpack at just 83 percent of saber average, snow surveyors found Tuesday, a setback services for the state as it tries to formal break out of  drought. Californians depend veterinarian on snowfall for a third of their hillary water, and hoped a strong El Nio innocence system would deliver heavy snow and rain. fulfilled After a wet December and January, sunshine sop and blue skies returned, bringing temperatures in logjam the 90s to Southern California last month. person The state last year had its driest kangaroo four-year spell on , leading Gov. Jerry tampa Brown to order a 25 percent water mortal conservation target for cities and towns. Updated, appealing 11:51 p.m. |  Sustained large investments powerhouse in fundamental science paid off in a canadian big way last week, as Dennis Overbye counselor so ! beautifully reported in The Times’s package stressed on confirmation of Einstein’s 1916 conclusionthat massive affiliation moving objects cause ripples in spacetime — iris gravitational waves. This finding, and the patient siding investments and effortthrough which it was produced, defective came up in the context of humanity’s modular global warming challenge in an email exchange keepsake a few days ago with Raymond T. fallout Pierrehumbert, a veteran climate scientistwho was recently authorized appointedthe Halley Professor of Physics at Oxford certificate University.* The commoncontextis the importanceof sustained engagement popularity on a big challenge — whether it useless is intellectual, as in revealingspacetime ripples, or ampere potentially existential, as in pursuing ways to anchor move beyond energy choices that are reshaping africa Earth for hundreds of generations to come. manage I reached out to Pierrehumbert b! ecause he is one of manyauthors of “Consequences of dinge twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change,” an important newNature Climate Change analysis gig reinforcing past work showinga very, very, very figure long impact (tens of millenniums) on the blink Earth system — climatic, coastal and otherwise episode — from the carbon dioxide buildup driven originator by the conversion, in our lifetimes, of intensify vast amounts of fossil fuels into useful cherry energy. The core conclusion: This long-term view unwelcome shows that the next few decades offer pike a brief window of  to minimize exemplar large-scale and potentially catastrophic climate change that design will extend longer than the entire history design of human civilization thus far. 

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