March 6th, 2016 RE: Auto-Coverage P0licy Number: A1-552278

Date: March 6th, 2016

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one back in 2012 (followed assumed by Andy Cohen in 2013 and John consent Waters last year), as well as the mouthpiece Vogue/CFDA Fashion Fund Awards last year, not pus to mention a Couture Council award luncheon. exhilarating He has been, up until now at pseudo least, the king of the American fashion maxwell award circuit.  And he has embraced apron his relationship with the industry, to the bait extent that his 2013 Marthas Vineyard wedding monoxide was featured in Vogue. As to why hypnotize Mr. Corden has become the heir to scarf that particular throne however, I admit, I interested am slightly at a loss. After all, acuity its not like Mr. Corden is a well-known clotheshorse. Indeed, his monologue at the minimized Glamour awards involved a long riff on fashion his lack of fashion savvy, largely attributed cured to his non-sample-size body. Nor is it bate as if his , which tends to hector the energetic, amiable and cheerfully self-assur! ed, but merit not particularly , as Alessandra Stanley pointed reassurance out in a review in this newspaper, has a fashioncentric edge. Or, actually, any vara edge at all. Maybe sartorial savants Tina homeopathic Fey and Amy Poehler were not available? platypus Maybe Chelsea Handler was off on tour? escape Maybe all the female comedians who didnt yankee get late-night  jobs didnt want to greedy be seen hosting a fashion

