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#085 発行部数54,963部 2010-06-25

こんにちは、M&Aニュースレター運営事務 局です。

本ニュースレターは、M&Aと事業承継のマーケットプ レイス [+J] を運営するヴェリタス・ パートナーズがお送りします。

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Real-Estate investment M&A 特別投資不動産案件:


This is the information Newsletter from Veritas-Partners. Besides managing and promoting the M&A marketplace, we also offer turn-around and consulting services.


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2. 注目の【買収】案件ご紹介

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Change and adapt
 Buy-side weekly Pick-up
3. Sell-side weekly Pick-up
4. M&A advisers profiles
5. +J small scale business M&A platform introduction

「ベンチャー投資額4割減 株公開激減でアジアにシフト 主要20社、09年度637億円」。 

1. Japanese businesses in the age of change

In just a few weeks, major Japanese corporations have announced plans to have English their official internal languages. This is surprising as both companies have boards and senior management levels mainly staffed by Japanese nationals. Other companies with foreign CEOs have been using Euglish ofr a while, but not purely Japanese players. The two poster-children, Rakuten and Fast Retailing, have a number of common points. They have been largely disruptive on their domestic markets, taking some pages out of foreign businesses and scaling up to leader positions in Japan, from which they have built very strong and competitive models, and large cash treasure chests. Both companies are still hungry for growth, feel that most of it will come from abroad, and have been mildly successful in a few years of experimentation in a few countries, directly or through M&A. The next stage will be globalization. English us required and a first step in the right direction, we will have to see if the business models can adapt to other countries and cultures. This would eventually mean foreign board members in Japan as well, speedy decentralized decision-making processes, and other difficult and challenging adaptations to efficient global business practices, without losing the specific edges that made those companies successful in the first place.

Another interesting point is that those companies are embarking on a journey that the big trading houses have mostly avoided. The trading houses never really embraced English as their internal corporate language, nor had foreigners at meaningful positions on boards. Rather the opposite, they sometimes viewed using Japanese a competitive advantage helping them keep a low profile in investments and endeavors. We will see which impact the trend leaders will have on SMB.

注目のアドバイザリーご紹介                      Advisers Selection

イーストエッジ・パートナーズ 国際不動産売買・運営・アドバイザリー・開発・ホスピタリティー

EastEdge Partnersniche assets advisory, international real-estate sourcing and brokerage, development, and operation, with strong experience in the hospitality and residential sectors

株式会社レイヤーズ・コンサルティング レイヤーズ・コンサルティングは、日本発のコンサルティング会社として、 独立資本である強みを活かし、真のクライアントファーストの立場に立った コンサルティングを実施します。会計士および経営コンサルティングの豊富な経験にもとづき、MA戦略立案から統合支援を行ないます。M&A,事業統合,事業再構築,新規事業開発をはじめとし、経営管理、業務改革、SCMHRMITMなどの広い領域でのコンサルティングを行っております。

 Layers Consulting co, Ltd – Japanese independent consulting company putting clients first and foremost. We assist clients on accounting, management consulting, and through our wealth of M&A experiences. Starting with M&A, turn-around, business development, we offer a full range of services, including management accounting, PBR, SCM, HRM, ITM and other consulting assignments.

株式会社船井総合研究所 温浴ビジネスチームでは、「温浴事業はホスピタリティ産業である」をモットーに、ハード先行の事業化とは一線を画す、「どのような価値をお客様に提供するか」というソフトを軸にした事業再構築や事業化の支援をさせて頂いております

 Funai soken consulting  The moto of the specialists of the onsen team is “ the onsen business is part of the hospitality industry”. We strive to grow and plan with our clients and focus on client value. We are specialist in turn-around and corporate structuring.

注目の買収案件ご紹介                 Selection of Companies to buy

bweb20100610002 医療用機器・医療関連 :東証一部上場の医療関連事業者が買主(探している会社・事業)

bweb20100610002 listed health company willing to acquire a number of related businesses: Pharmacy Business, or Clinical operations, or Care-related business (equipment and materials), Sterilization operations, Health Food... Ready to start considerations as soon as a good opportunity arise.


Bweb20100618001 Global technology leader organization looking to acquire Japanese domestic SI, strong in SAP and ERPs. Pipeline to Japanese big corporations important.

bweb20100315003 ファンドは上場企業で35億円まで数社を買収希望。全体予算は100億円 ~  200億円。 業種は問いませんが市場の34%以上のシェアを希望。

bweb20100315003 Fund looking to acquire several public companies. Total budget 10 to 20 000 000 000 JPY. Any market considered but should at least have over 34% market share.

売買案件のコンタクト先は 「+J」会員様限定 で公開中です
新規会員登録はこちら 会員の方はこちらよりログイン

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注目の【売却】案件ご紹介                  Sell-side Companies Selection


Sweb20100610003 Beautiful hotel on the Japan sea, 42 rooms, highly profitable, restaurant, bar, karaoke room, party rooms, meeting rooms, ceremony room, onsen bath inside and outside


Sweb20100610002Hotel Ryokan in Zao, natural onsen baths inside and outside, parking 20 cars, very modern buildings, beautiful environment.

天皇陛下、ヘレンケラー嬢、吉田首相などが数々の賓客をお迎えしました。大浴場、展望露天風呂、地下露天風呂、会席料理を堪能できる料亭、駐車場50台、会議室、宴会場x3、客室数 55室。

Sweb20100610001 300 years old historical building, with the ceremony room and ball room. A place of history and culture. His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, author Helen Keller, various heads of states were customers. Onsen baths inside, outside with a view and in the basement, high class “ryotei” restaurant, parking 50 cars, meeting rooms, 3 party rooms, total 55 bed rooms.

売買案件のコンタクト先は 「+J」会員様限定 で公開中です
新規会員登録はこちら 会員の方はこちらよりログイン

All Sell-sides and Buy-side companies here
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