Dear My name is Mr jones brown a retired Colonel in the Liberian Army, a close aide and confidant of Mr. Charles Taylor, the former Liberian president. During the civil war in Sierra Leone (a neighbouring African country) that lasted several years, the rebel Revolutionary United Front (RUF), which fought against the legitimate Sierra Leone government, was actively supported by former President Charles Taylor on account of his differences with the Sierra Leone president. He provided training bases, military and political assistance for the rebels in exchange for an unrestrained access to arguably, the second largest deposit of Diamond in the world -the mines were under the control of the RUF. I was the man the former president appointed in charge of all diamond transactions between the Liberian leader and the RUF. During this period, Liberia became the conduit pipe through which all mined diamonds from Sierra Leone were sold in the international market under my watchful eyes. This continued, until the RUF was finally routed by a government backed international coalition led by the U.K., under the auspices of the UN, two years ago. In a sudden twist of fate, a coalition of an anti-Taylor movement in Liberia launched a guerrilla campaign in 2000, to oust former President Taylor from power. However, following a large-scale humanitarian crises resulting from the conflict, the international community led by the US, has put pressure on Mr. Taylor to resign/step aside, as the panacea for ending the conflict, which he finally accepted and resigned his presidency on August 11, 2003. The UN War Crimes Tribunal in Sierra Leone also indicted Taylor for war crimes, over his role in the Sierra Leone Civil war. But a solace came from the Nigerian government few weeks ago, which offered asylum to Mr. Taylor and his close aides, of which I am one of them. As a result of this development, the former president sent me as the head of an advance team in Nigeria until his arrival on the same day of his resignation as president of Liberia on August 11, 2003. I have the sum of $50MUSD (Fifty million US dollars only), being part of the proceeds from the over 5 years diamond transaction that I supervised for the former president, and I need your co-operation in moving these funds to safety overseas. I have made a perfect arrangement to move these funds into your care within a few days without risk at both ends, if you provide me with your unqualified co-operation. Please indicate your willingness to co-operate with me and provide me with your contact details (your telephone and fax etc, for confidential communications) as time is of essence. I have been reliably informed that some people send fraudulent letters to unsuspecting individuals overseas making bogus claims. Please be informed that this is not such letters as my claims are true, authentic and verifiable. Should you have any question, feel free to contact me, but treat this transaction with absolute confidentiality. Awaiting your prompt response, Kind regards, Mr.brown