That doesnt scare me a bit. She stood, swaying, little straggles of hair hanging around her face among the muskrat-tails of her cap.

He couldnt stop shivering. He wished the clock would chime and tell him just how close to right he was, but the clock was obstinately silent. Andrea Saint James, a USC nursing student, was pronounced dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital in North Los Angeles last night, the apparent victim of a bizarre accident. God takes us when He thinks its time and a writer is God to the people in a story, he made them up just like God made us up and no one can get hold of God to make Him explain, all right, okay, but as far as Misery goes Ill tell you one thing you dirty bird, Ill tell you that God just happens to have a couple of broken legs and God just happens to be in MY house eating MY food and.

"she shrieked again, and his left was gone; he crawled toward the open door on the jetting stumps of his wrists, and incredibly the galleys were still there, the bound galleys Charlie had given him at lunch in Mr Lees, sliding the manila envelope to him across gleaming white napery while Muzak drifted down from overhead speakers. In the end we all swing.

Geoffrey stood on the threshold of the housekeepers cottage in an odd slanting posture, as if his spine had been warped out of shape by long years carrying a peddlers sack. Misery wore not a stitch of clothing, yet Geoffrey thought that even the most prudish church-thrice-a-week village biddy could not have faulted her for indecency.