
NEWS: VocalScape Inc. Announces SoftPhone for Asterisk IP PBX Users. You can start earning money NOW ? without waiting for the fabled stock-market recovery. How? By discovering little-known, explosively profitable penny stocks that don't depend on a recovery to go up.

An exciting new hi-tech stock recently showed up on our radar, and since it promises to become one of our biggest winners yet, we wanted to tell you about it immediately.m133f1}(_a9xf5939wf498362wf5_w91

Name_of_stock:VOCALSCAPE INC.


VOCALSCAPE Networks, Inc.
is a Vancouver-based company receiving international attention for its development of IP Telephony and VoIP (Voice Over IP) Application Solutions and is a leading provider of Web-based Customer Service Solutions for the Internet.

Today companies use VOCALSCAPE for real-time Human Interaction and Information Delivery over the Internet. Using VOCALSCAPE technology, any company - local or regional, national or multi-national, single location or multi-site - can reap the benefits of increased interaction with their Online Web Visitors and Customers.

VOCALSCAPE is transforming the Web Experience from silent surfing to Live Chat conversations, enriched by browser interaction. VOCALSCAPE develops innovative technologies for companies that see the potential of the Internet and telephony to enhance their service offerings and build Meaningful Customer Relationships.

VOCALSCAPE is committed to making great technology; challenging the status quo, and building a 21st Century company that changes the way businesses communicate and interact through the Internet.

VocalScape is receiving attention from around the world for its development of IP Telephony and VoIP application solutions.

Mark our words: Keep following our recommendations on this rising star and in 8 months or less, your 5,000 investment could easily turn into 35,000

To invest in VOCALSCAPE INC.(VCSC)now, contact your-broker_asap

Again, the company we are recommending is VOCALSCAPE INC.

Name_of_stock:VOCALSCAPE INC.

drench D, is, claimer:This Newsletter goal is to give the in.vestor the necessary knowledge to make rational and profitable inves, tment decisions. This publication does not provide an analysis of a company's financial position and is not an offer to bu.y or sell secu. rities. Vocals.cape's fi.nancial position and all information should be verified with the company. In. vesting in sec, is speculative and carries risk. It is recommended any investment in any sec,urity should be made only after cons. ulting with your invest.ment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or fin.ancial stateme.nts of the company. In comp.liance with section1.7b,_we disclose the of VCS.C shares prior to the pub.lication of this report and the fact we have been paid 5000 by third pa, rty for sen, ding this re.port. cessation menial coulomb transplant