So the doctor never came. You caught it, no sweat, besides, theres a rug on the floor, probably wouldnt have broken anyway ? But if it HAD!

"Annie, Ill stay right here! Paul was not particularly sensitive, even though he had been a heavy smoker for nearly eighteen years, but his breathing had stopped nonetheless on at least one occasion (there might have been others, in the haze, that he did not remember). while below, the village of the Bourkas burned and the survivors massed at the one point of egress ? the idols left ear ? to massacre anyone who happened to stagger out alive. "She smiled mistily ? the smile of a woman who sees a lovely castle in the sky ? and then the smile disappeared and she was all business again.

He dreamed he was lost in a snowstorm, only it wasnt snow; it was flying pages which filled the world, destroying direction, and each page was covered with typing, and all the ns and ts and es were missing, and he understood that if he was still alive when the blizzard ended, he would have to fill them all in himself, by hand, deciphering words that were barely there. High-fiber cereal the other four days.

He had looked tired, not very well himself; nor was this surprising in a man who claimed to have shaken hands with Wellington ? the Iron Duke himself ? when he (Shinebone, not Wellington) had been a boy. In a novel a car might be able to float right out of the story ? I guess I could make people believe it if I had to ? but in real life, no way.