Please know that Number One Success System is not an investment club, not a business, not MLM, not a company or corporation, not a commercial enterprise of any kind whatsoever, nor do its activities include the solicitation of anything. There are no investments here, no paychecks, no products or services to sell, no seminars to attend, no tapes or manuals to buy, and no one MAKES or EARNS any money.

The purpose of the MLS is to enable the efficient distribution of information so that, when a real estate agent is introduced to a potential home buyer, he/she may search the MLS system and retrieve information about all homes for sale in a given area or price range, whether under a listing contract by that agent's brokerage or by all participating brokers.

The MLS systems are governed by private entities, and the rules are set by those entities with no state or federal oversight, beyond any individual state rules regarding real estate. MLS systems set their own rules for membership, access, and sharing of information, but are subject to nationwide rules laid down by NAR or CREA. An MLS may be owned and operated by a real estate company, a county or regional real estate Board of REALTORS or Association of REALTORS, or by a trade association. Membership of the MLS is generally considered to be essential to the practice of real estate brokerage.