He desolation caused by the flood should be no more; that the seasons
might run their course in accordance with regular law: harvest
following seedtime, winter
following summer, cold following heat in due order.
95. This text should be carefully remembered
in view of the common notions concerning the signs
before the

last day. Then, some declare, there will be eclipses of I know not how many days duration. They say foolishly that for seven years not a single woman will bring forth a child, and the like. But this text declares that neither day nor night, neither summer nor winter, shall cease; therefore these natural changes

will go on, and there will never be an eclipse which will rob human eyes of an entire day. 96. Nor is it a phrase devoid of meaning
when he says, "While the earth remaineth," for he gives us to understand that the days of this earth shall sometime be numbered, and other days, days of heaven, shall follow. As long, therefore,
as the days of the earth endure, so long shall
the earth abide, and with it the rotation of seasons. But when these
days of the earth shall pass, then all these things shall
cease, and there shall follow days of heaven, that is, eternal days. There shall be one Sabbath after the other, when we shall not be engrossed with bodily labor for the purpose of gaining a livelihood; for we shall b e as the an