Carol Mc wrote:
>Marian wrote:
>> I'm not at all sure that I'd want to submit something to an editor with a
tor's-copy" policy. <<
>And that's your privilege. A writer always has the option of choosing
where to submit stories.<
Yes, but it's difficult if you don't know what to expect from a certain
editor. Hence my question.
>Speaking specifically in regard to Ashton Press, it's one of my favorite
places to send stories. I received my first ever fanfic acceptance letter
from Ashton Press; I can't tell you how long it took because I don't
remember. But it was well worth the wait. Ann Wortham has been an
encouraging, helpful, gently instructive editor. And her zines are first
rate, not to mention large enough to double as lethal weapons.
>Since those early days when I was just one of many tribbers, I've become
friends with Annie. And I know that she's had many real life demands over
the years that have seriously cut into her fan time. I'm very pleased that
despite all of her trials and tribulations, she's still crazy enough to be
willing to do more zines. <
Thank you for the information. This means my failure to get them to reply
must be put down to simple if continuing misfortune and not, as I was
beginning to assume, to a deliberate policy on their side. (Well, a B7 fan
is allowed a certain amount of paranoia, surely? :-) )
And now I'm really going to shut up about the subject.