Sorry if this one goes through twice. I'm having trouble posting lately (bloody Lycos..)
> Not so. Diane's anti-slash policy is not, as
> far as I can tell, merely
> cynical, more properly not really cynical at
> all. Having met Diane, and
> talked to Diane, albeit not for some years
> now, and heard odd comments from
> her on this subject, I would say her concern
> for the feelings of the actors
> is quite genuine, though she does seem to use
> this to bolster her own
> personal antipathy to nude art and slash.
> Hetfic seems to be okay with her, since I
> believe Horizon launched their
> Ultra hetzine at Deliverance 98.
That's interesting. Wonder why she called her convention "Deliverance"? She doesn't seem the Meegat type.
> But whatever her antipathies, they've got
> nothing to do with Judith as far
> as I'm aware, and go back way before Judith
> arrived on the scene.
Fair comment.
There is a
> rift between Diane and Judith, as there is
> between Diane and quite a lot of
> other people (me included), but that is their
> affair.
Well, no, not if it affects fandom in a wider capacity. If you say Diane hates slash, then I believe you. But reading the memo that was leaked (which I'm sure you've read as well), it's clear that although Diane may hate slash, she's using her position as a pretext for something else. And it did contain a number of nasty-sounding personal attacks on Judith Proctor.
Since you seem to be
> familiar with the archives
I'm only familiar with what people direct me to. Thanks for the information, I'll go and have a look.
then you'll know
> what was posted last March on
> the subject of Diane and Horizon. It achieved
> nothing then, and trying to
> stir it up afresh will achieve nothing now.
I have a great deal of respect for you, Neil, but I'm not taking that. I just don't like bullying, and bullies prosper when they go unreported and unchallenged. The Redemption committee may be a bit soft, and Judith Proctor may have done some silly things, but that is no reason to stand back and allow Horizon to knock their convention about.
Unless anything new comes up, that absolutely needs an answer, this will be my last posting on the subject.
"In the end, winning is the only safety" --Avon