Tavia said -
>Well, I'll let you know in a few months, but advice from experienced gen
>and slash zine producers, such as Judith Proctor, suggested that a mixed
>zine would sell fewer copies than *either* an all-slash or an all-gen zine.
I am still reading Tavia's zine, but I think it is of very high quality. I
often find it hard to tell if a story or film is any good until some time
afterwards, when it sort of sinks in. Several stories in that zine are
currently 'sinking in' and the gut verdict is that they are real crackers.
If people are wondering whether to put a toe in the water of fanfiction, or
wondering whether to check out something a bit different without risking
being put off by something too explicit, I think this would be a very good
place to start.
Unless Tavia I have missed something (in my incomplete reading) which means
this advice is misleading, and the horses will indeed be frightened?