Ahhh, Horizon, one of the premier 'questions that never get answered'
episodes ... would Avon have finally gone off and left them if those pursuit
ships hadn't turned up? How long could he justify dithering around waiting
for something *like* the pursuit ships to turn up? How can anyone dither so
precisely and with such stiff dignity? Did he overhear Blake's
headache-induced stab in the teleport ... and did Blake know Avon was there
when he said it? What *was* going through Fearless Leader's
pain-and-temper-enhanced mind when he said it anyway? And how on Earth did
the same Wardrobe room that produced the Silver Alpha get-up, that
*gorgeous* white shirt and amber trousers of Blakes, and Vila's yellow
shirt, also hoard the things they were all decked in late S3 (or were they
all scraping the bottom of the boot-racks by then?)
Have spent a happy hour playing with the pictures (even if they do insist on
those nose shots, during the torture scene, mutter grumble). It is a lovely
looking episode ... with all those gloomy palace sets, those rather smashing
Kommissar uniforms and the faux-native fancy dress <g>), I rather like Ro,
and Our Heroes looking good too (if not *all* as pretty as in Shadow). And
of course there *is* that gorgeous, full-face shot of Avon as he starts to
laugh ... at fate, at himself ... who knows?
I noticed anew a couple of things - Blake's got a headache, Cally says, so
why does he keep rubbing his throat? (and no cheap shots about the
ever-present pain in the neck getting to him :-)) And Avon is even stiffer
than normal - for the most part walks like he's got a ice-cold rod down his
shirt, and his own visual tic of clasping his hands behind him is even more
emphasised here.
You'd think that - since Blake obviously had time to wash up a bit - Jenna
and Vila would at least have washed the dirt of their faces while waiting
for him to give Ro a final few words (a few too many, in Avon's opinion,
methinks). And why *did* Blake feel some need to clean up? It surely wasn't
for the impression he would make - he's never shown much interest in that
anyway, and he was just as impressive in the scene where he offers to
surrender for the others, all dirt and gravitas. And if he simply dislikes
feeling grubby at this stage, what might that imply about the state of his
soul in 'Blake'?
Thank you again, Lisa, all your work is deeply appreciated.
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>From: "Pseudnik" <pseudnik(a)hotmail.com>
>I have just re-watched "Animals" for the first time in several months and I
>have experienced no ill effects
Well, I watched Power last night, and the main ill-effect came from the
scene where Avon kisses Pella. Any telepaths would've heard the mental
mutter along the lines of "F'God's sake, must you? Get on with the story,
damnit!" Adding insult to injury...
Bowing to Judith here, I do think it is nice that, for all his machismo,
Gunnsar seems happy enough to embroider his own clothing. Or it might be a
gift for Nina, who knows?
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>From: Lisa Williams <lisa(a)eroicafans.org>
>I've uploaded the B7 frame captures which will be available for the next
>five weeks. The episodes on display now are "Horizon" and "Warlord".
Warlord? I take it that watery sound I'm hearing is the Godmother and her
hordes drooling, perhaps?
(well, I'd drool over Warlord too, were I Tarrant-oriented. However...)
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"Sally Manton" <smanton(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
><There are two cases where 'hell' is used as a destination in B7 - Blake and
>Provine, and Avon and Servalan in 'Rumours' - which implies that 'some' sort
>of religious belief survived.>
>and kathryn:
><Maybe, maybe not... it could be just a linguistic echo...>
>Am inclined to agree with Kathryn; IMO it's rather like the way we use
In both cases the utterers 'mean' something (as distinct 'from oh dear I have dropped something on my toe') - more than an 'emphasis word,;
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Harriet Monkhouse <hflysator(a)jarriere.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>Jacqui wrote about Dev Tarrant and Anna Grant:
>>It is just that as their 'partners' met & they were on Earth, chance might
>>have that they did (& Avon was observed because he was supposedly
>Dev was Blake's partner? That's one I've never heard before!
In the sense of 'someone acquainted with' - typing quickly. (Anyone wishing to develop a story from this, feel free (g).)
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Just wondering, were there any notes about what Cally's part would have
been if she hadn't left the show?
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On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 07:54:18 +1000 "Andrew Williams"
<awilliams(a)daikin.com.au> writes:
> >(But as there is a possibility that it was an exploratory ship & it
> could take one (or more)
> >smaller ships - as in Aftermath - there might well have been room
> for
> more)
> I've often wondered what happened to Kleggs ship, presumably it
> stayed
> attached to the Liberator right up until Terminal.
I see two possibilities. Either they sold it or Vila was using it as a
wine cellar.
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Helen Krummenacker <avona(a)jps.net> wrote:
>Jacqui wrote:
>>Dev Tarrant and Anna Grant were both involved in 'Security' - would
>have met?
>I think the applicatble quote is
>"Small world."
>"Big project."
It is just that as their 'partners' met & they were on Earth, chance might have that they did (& Avon was observed because he was supposedly political)
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I've uploaded the B7 frame captures which will be available for the next
five weeks. The episodes on display now are "Horizon" and "Warlord". The
set of 182 images from "Horizon" is new to the library.
The B7 frame capture library can be found at:
http://framecaplib.com/b7lib.html .
- Lisa
Lisa Williams: lisa(a)eroicafans.org or lcw(a)dallas.net
Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library: http://framecaplib.com/
From Eroica With Love: http://eroicafans.org/
<There are two cases where 'hell' is used as a destination in B7 - Blake and
Provine, and Avon and Servalan in 'Rumours' - which implies that 'some' sort
of religious belief survived.>
and kathryn:
<Maybe, maybe not... it could be just a linguistic echo...>
Am inclined to agree with Kathryn; IMO it's rather like the way we use
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