Its been a while since I last posted an episode review (mostly in the form
of questions!), but here goes for Time Squad...
In this episode Blake is taking command. After telling Avon all about
discussing plans, he just decides where they are going on his own. Blake's
idea that "If you don't like what he wants to do you can leave" is not
particularly democratic! When deciding to rendezvous with the projectile he
changes travel plans without consulting the others, again! At the end of
the episode Blake already knows to go to Centero without consulting the
What "influences" Zen after he scans the projectile? This is never
explained. It isn't easy to influence Zen, even for ORAC, so what's up?
Gan thinks that Zen may have a limiter - so is this el cheapo foreshadowing?
Zen burns out the teleport switch, but allows the repair circuits to
function. Zen will also not pilot the ship, but allows manual control. I
think this is supposed to tell us that much of Liberators function is
independent of Zen and it is as much a crew member as them (particularly if
you want to have SEVEN). Zen's non-piloting allows Avon to show he is a
super-pilot - at least we were spared him being sensitive and caring :-)
Blake and Jenna hugged in the last episode and this time he "touches" her in
a rather familiar way before they teleport. This behaviour would get Blake
sacked from most jobs :-). Later on, Jenna is unsure about becoming a
rebel - so it looks like she is just here to snog Blake. There is also some
taking sides here: when Jenna says "nice flying" to Avon he ignores her and
she and Blake exchange glances (plus their discussion when first teleported
over to the projectile).
The "alien" is clearly a motorhead fan, judging by the moustache! The
aliens are also lucky that electrical outlets have not changed over
centuries and between civilizations when they power up their craft from the
Bleeding heart liberal Gan always thinks the best of anyone/thing in this
episode: he says the aliens might be frightened, that Zen was always on
their side, and that dumping the projectile is murder. And I still can't
see the "Gan as mass murderer of women" as suggested/discussed on this list
back in May?
Jenna has learned from Blake never to tell your crewmates what is really
going on - she doesn't tell them she has been attacked.
The parallel story has an excellent powerplant location, and Vila shows he
is useful by opening the door. Oddly, the flutonic generator room looks
just like the computer room on the London.
Cally is tough and looks great in her red leather outfit - even her gun is
"top notch" (another gratuitous motorhead reference - but from me, not the
show) but should really not have been fooled by Blake. I would rather he
had talked to her about who he/they were. Nasty Jenna is very bitchy about
bringing aliens on board - but I suppose she was almost killed by one
earlier - but can't she see the difference between an anti-federation
freedom fighter and a heavy rock band lost in space?
Why does Blake call he Liberator "control" when requesting teleport? He
never does this again and neither does the rest of the crew. Maybe he
hasn't found the Junior Boys Guide to Space Jargon yet.
Hmm.... so many questions.
- Iain