On Sun, 19 Aug 2001 05:33:59 -0400 jacquispeel(a)netscape.net writes:
> What would have happened if Servalan had met the entity from the
> episode 'Sarcophagus'?
The alien would have died of food poisoning trying to digest her. OTOH,
Servalan wouldn't have ever linked with it, Avon wouldn't have been too
interested in saving her, Servalan _would_ have killed him if he'd tried
. . . not a rosy scenario.
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Calle wrote re mutoids:
<There are some in "Animals", I think.>
Must've missed them when I did my '10 Good Things' list ... does this mean I
have to go back and study it again? (Thinks: lucky it wasn't Stardrive)
Oh good - don't you think the new President would like his/her very own
Servie-mutoid? (There could be fanfic in this ...)
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Jacqui wrote:
<If the President she deposed returned what crime would Servalan be charged
with - mutiny or what?>
<grin> I doubt that the ex-President was in any condition to return anywhere
(otherwise occupied being very very dead).
Wasn't Servalan basically declared a non-person? You don't have to go to
the bother of trying them ... I'm rather partial to the justice of the idea
of her ending up modified to suit her successor's whim, but I can't recall
seeing any mutoids in S4, so maybe the Federation's near-collapse after the
War brought *that* nasty little industry to a screaming halt (please tell me
if there were mutoids in S4 and I missed them ...)
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"Sally Manton" <smanton(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
><What 'general public holidays' would there be in the Federation - apart
>from 'New Year's Day' and 'Founding of the Federation Day'.>
>and Marian:
><The celebration of the president's birthday - abolished by Servalan, who
>would never admit to getting older.>
>No, she'd prefer to declare the anniversary of the coup as a celebration (at
>least for those in a position to celebrate anything :-)) - goodness knows
>what she would call it (actually, goodness would have nothin' to do with it)
>but then she only got to celebrate it once, at the most <g>
If the President she deposed returned what crime would Servalan be charged with - mutiny or what?
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Sally wrote:
> We really were given some wonderful one-off villains ...
Bayban always holds a special place in my heart, as far as one-off
villains go, if only because Colin Baker was obviously having *such* a
gloriously fun time playing him. (And Vila's reaction to him is
utterly priceless.)
Betty Ragan ** bragan(a)nrao.edu ** http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~bragan
Not speaking for my employers, officially or otherwise.
"Seeing a rotten picture for the special effects is like eating a
tough steak for the smothered onions..." -- Isaac Asimov
On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:35:02 +1000 "J MacQueen" <j_macqueen(a)hotmail.com>
> >From: "Marian de Haan" <maya(a)multiweb.nl>
> >The celebration of the president's birthday - abolished by
> Servalan, who
> >would never admit to getting older.
> Oh Lord, visions of Servalan in Elizabeth I's makeup. <argh!>
"She dare not frown at you lest she curdle her face."
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Forwarded on behalf of Alan Stevens.
Paul Darrow and other B7 stalwarts will be attending two events this
September to celebrate the launch of the new CD "Kaldor City: Occam's
The first will be a signing session on Saturday, September 1st at 10th
Planet in Barking, Essex, with Paul Darrow, Peter Tuddenham, Peter Miles and
Patricia Merrick. Entry is by purchase of the CD, and the event will take
place at 10th Planet, Unit 36, Vicarage Field Shopping Centre, Ripple Road,
Barking, Essex. For more details, ring 020 8 591 5357,e-mail
tenthplanet(a)btinternet.com or visit www.tenthplanet.co.uk.
The second is a one-day Galaxy 4 event on Saturday, September 22nd at
Sheffield Hallam University (Howard Street, Sheffield S1, just opposite the
railway station), with Paul Darrow and Brian Croucher. Entry is by purchase
of a ticket, which will allow access to an interview session with Paul
Darrow and Brian Croucher, autographs, photographs, a prop display,
merchandise for sale and (hopefully) a raffle. It will also be possible to
attend the signing session without purchasing a ticket, by buying a copy of
"Occam's Razor."
Tickets and information can be obtained from Galaxy 4, 493 Glossop Road,
Broomhill, Sheffield, S10 2QE, telephone 01142 684 976, e-mail
orders(a)galaxy4.co.uk, website www.galaxy4.co.uk
For more information on the events and the new CDs, visit
>From: "Marian de Haan" <maya(a)multiweb.nl>
>The celebration of the president's birthday - abolished by Servalan, who
>would never admit to getting older.
Oh Lord, visions of Servalan in Elizabeth I's makeup. <argh!>
(...backwards and forwards and sideways may you pass... Servalan's got far
too many ghosts, whether she thinks of them or no, for Kipling's poem)
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What would have happened if Servalan had met the entity from the episode 'Sarcophagus'?
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Ran across a memoir by Michael Sheard in the library the other day, and
flicking through it, came across:
"I saw my episode of B's 7 recently - 'Powerplay'. I was bloody good!
Section Leader Klegg ..."
<gurgle> might not be exactly modest (as a computer we all know once said,
'modesty would be dishonesty') but IMO he was absolutely right - he *was*
bloody good as Klegg, one of the best things about Powerplay for me. I would
have liked him to stick around for a bit longer (hey, they could have used
someone to fill Travis's place, Klegg was easily scarier than Travis 2).
We really were given some wonderful one-off villains ... for me, Alta Morag,
Dev Tarrant and Dr Havant(The Way Back); Largo, the Enforcer and the
Chairman (Shadow); Provine (Countdown); Klegg; Grose and Lector (Moloch, two
of its few virtues); Kostos (Terminal - a small part, but relished); and
Arlen (Blake) are rather better than the Travii (much as I like them) and
Servalan (much as I accept her as ratings-enhancer). Even Raiker (Spacefall)
and Dorian (Rescue) are enormous fun in their own way ... corruption on the
Federation's scale may be a Vad Thing, but it certainly makes for good
characters, as 'twere ...
PS - the quote from Sheard was at the end of a bit about Gareth Thomas; he
sees it as amusing that, although his episode came after Gareth left, he
sees and works with the *latter* at a lot of cons ...
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