Just heard there is an extra guest at Nexus - Chase Masterton who plays
Leeta in Deep Space Nine. Other guests are:
Reni Auberjonois (Odo - 'Deep Space Nine')- all weekend
Sylvester McCoy (Doctor Who)- all weekend
Gareth Thomas (Blake from Blake's 7) - all weekend
Richard Arnold (Star Trek consultant)- all weekend
Steve Rogerson
Redemption 03, 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent
Celebrating 25 years of Blake's 7 and 10 years of Babylon 5
I am most saddened to discover Avon Club n/l will end its run this December.
So disregard what I said earlier today about joining Avon Club to get its
newsletter. (Today was not a good day for me. My car broke down, and while
I was walking, I got caught in the rain--among other things.)
However, the Avon Club website will still exist --
--and all Avon Club fanzines will be available from Judith Proctor, so that
is good.
>From: Leia Fee <Sha_Ka_Ree(a)compuserve.com>
>Na I'm sure Vila wouls get seasick. He'd probably just want to lay on the
>beach... watch the underclad girlies go by
The alternative was school uniform...
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J MacQueen wrote...
>>I'm not going to imagine Vila trying to convince Avon to go surfing...
Na I'm sure Vila wouls get seasick. He'd probably just want to lay on the
beach... watch the underclad girlies go by
I keep doing double takes when I open the newspapers' sports pages and
find that my football club is trying to sign Veron. That slip of a lass
an international footballer... Maybe that's why Servalan was so
"There is a place for all at the rendezvous of victory." - Aime Cesaire
Mistral wrote:
<I suppose Gambit is just having a friend.>
Although it does have that nice little sting of Avon insisting Vila play
Speed Chess rather than give up their winnings - it ain't betrayal like
Orbit, but it's an interesting moment of expediency (I do think Avon truly
believed that Vila was not in as much danger as all that, and that Orac was
up to the challenge, but it still ain't nice). Holmes may have loved
putting them together, but wasn't ever under any illusion about what they'd
do for each other.
<Though there's one line in Gambit that doesn't ring true - 'You
dummy.' It's too flat and generic for me to take seriously>
Oh but I think the tone of voice redeems it :-)
<(other episodes have good A-V in them - Volcano, Deliverance, City and
Bounty, for starters - but aren't *built* around it).>
and Mistral:
<Heh. Well, would *you* say that a good A-B episode isn't important? ;-)>
Hey, you're talking to someone who's built a whole argument around the two
Blake references in Moloch and Rumours, which makes *them* A-B by my
admittedly partisan standards ... yes, but there is A-B (Redemption,
Pressure Point, Star One) and there is A-B (Duel, Deliverance, Weapon).
<I think Bounty and Volcano both have significant A-V development.>
Absolutely, but what I meant was it's a smaller *part* of the episode as a
<Without those two episodes, I'd be less inclined to interpret the
relationship as mutual liking, and more as just being stuck on the same
Up to Bounty, I think it was more the latter; the relationship does take a
while to kick in. (BTW, Deliverance is good A-V as well IMO, Vila's gleeful
teasing the whole way through is wonderful).
My absolute favourite A-V *moment* is in fact in 'Blake' - that oddly gentle
"you think you've found Blake" - which is IMO a single moment beautifully
poised on everything that's gone before, including Orbit. But then 'Blake'
does that on a range of levels ...
<Shame on you, neglecting the really important one.>
<grin> Can't think who you mean ... but yes, if he could survive being on
Servalan's staff, he could survive a measley intergalactic war.
<Well, the brown vinyl is a bit dodgy, but I love the blue leather. Oddly
enough, I like it far better now I know it's blue than I did when I
thought it was black. Black leather and studs is just so ... pedestrian.>
The Terminal black-leather-n-studs is nice; the set Dorian buys for him is
awful, but I explain it in my own mind as a sort of sartorial mixture of
mourning and almost-armour, which fits his 4th series mindset.
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I am happy that Judith is offering the Avon Club zines for sale because that
makes it easier for people not living in the UK to buy them.
I highly recommend a lot of them because quite often Blake gets a good part
in the Avon Club zines.
For Americans, if you do not mind sending American dollars cash, there is
no problem in buying zines from Avon Club. That's the way I have bought all
of mine. But if you mind sending cash, then Judith's site will be better
for you.
I have personally found Ann Bown, the lady in charge of Avon Club, to be
very helpful in deciding which zines to buy. I just ask her if there's good
Blake and if she says yes, then I buy the zine.
And even though I am not an Avon fan nor a Paul Darrow fan, I do recommend
the Avon Club newsletter which comes out regularly twice a year because
normally there is some nice fiction in the newsletter. Also, I have bought
some of the Avon Club coasters and some of the Paul Darrow calendars which
are very well done. Avon Club accepts American cash without penalizing
Americans so it's easy for Americans to buy things and, also, to join Avon
Club. However, there is a big fee for American dollars checks. I don't know
how people in other countries join, though I suspect you can send American
or British cash. You do not have to be a member to buy things from Avon
Club, however.
AvonPDS(a)aol.com is the Email.
http://www.avon-paul-darrow.co.uk is the website.
If anyone who likes Blake wonders what Avon Club zines I have, I have the
following zines. (Some Avon Club zines I have sold because they didn't have
enough good blake, but I have no record of that. ) These are just the ones I
have saved.
Avon 1, 2, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, and 20.
Avon Special (I highly recommend this. A wonderful 20th anniversary zine
that Avon Club put out in 1998. I was most impressed.)
Standard by Seven: The Early Years (reprint zines) 1, 2, 3 and 5.
I didn't video this unfortunately, and he was only on for a couple of
minutes. I very much like the way British TV does trial reconstructions. I
think it is less intrusive than filming trials live, but it makes very
gripping drama. It must be quite a challenge for script-editor, director and
actors. The turn-around is obviously very swift, and it must be a challenge
to generate drama and characterisation from raw transcripts. In Pacey's case
the challenge was exacerbated by the fact that he was representing a very
dry academic sort of chap. I could see some continuity with Tarrant - that
sort of stubborn 'like it or lump it' face that he puts up from time to
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Ellynne wrote:
<After all, it's not like any guy could have faulted her sparkling
personality, now could he?>
I've always that that part of Servalan's calculated cruelty in 'Terminal'
was to punish Avon for preferring loyalty to Blake over everything *she*
could offer him ...
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