Sally wrote:
>Here's another little exercise, if anyone's interested, in two parts:<
Thanks, Sally, I love this kind of thing.
>If you could change just three things about the series - with no
restrictions on cast, budget, scripting etc - what would they be?
(Obviously, *my* first would be "don't let Blake go.")<
1. Give the women an equal share in the action.
2. Let Travis fade away after "Orac" and create na new character for Brian
Croucher to play.
3. Can't make up my mind between:
3a. Cast an older actor as Tarrant or rewrite the stories to match his
youth, and
3b. Don't change Avon's hairstyle for S4.
(And now I can imagine some Lyst members shake their heads and sigh: "An
unlimited budget and she doesn't even mention the Special Effects!") :-)
>If you could change just three episodes, which are they and how would you
do it?<
1. Orbit
- Make John Savident play Egrorian as a sane character. (Sorry, but his
pantomime performance prevents me from taking this episode seriously.)
- Let Vila find the gun and go chasing after Avon :-) (He'd NEVER expect
- Let Servalan fall victim to Hoffal's radiation.
2. Weapon
- Find another director.
- Leave out the clone. (Sacrilege, I know :-) )
- A more plausible end. (I can't imagine either Blake or Avon wanting to
live with the shadow of IMIPAK hanging over them for the rest of their
3. This should be Terminal, but as I've already upset some Lyst members
with my controversial views on that episode some time ago I think I'd better
stop here :-) (Anyone really interested in them can always read my review
of the ep. on Judith's website.)