Stephen said: "If Caligula had been in charge of the Federation, he
would probably have made Og a Senator."
Caligula could even make some of my Og stories look tame.
Steve Rogerson
Redemption 03, 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent
Celebrating 25 years of Blake's 7 and 10 years of Babylon 5
"Ann Basart" writes
> >Someone said:
> > > > > > and not a single snarky thing in it with incomprehensible
> >things
> >about camouflage.
> >And someone else replied:
> > > > Only incomprehensible to those who don't want to listen.
> >
> >Ah, *that's* why I haven't understood anything about the
> >reference. It was *really* because I "didn't want to listen," not because
> >hadn't (still haven't) a clue.
I think the answer to that one is both.
> >Hmm. Well, if there is anyone who'd care to explain what this recondite
> >quote refers to, I (probably) would be grateful.
There are people on this lyst who, for their own twisted reasons are
promoting a version of B7 which is homophobic and sick. These people are
called SLASHERS.
They don't like publicity and they don't want to accept any other person's
point of view. They are trying to say that a work of fiction is nothing more
than a collection of words on a page or images on a screen and they can
interpret them in anyway they want. That is total crap, and anywhere else
they would be laughed off the planet, but here and on Freedom City that kind
of thinking is considered normal.
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SLAHER Rita d' Orac wrote:
> >I have replied to this message offlist as our discussion is off topic.
This discussion was not off topic, it was on topic, it was about SLASHERS
and this is a SLASHER lyst.
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"Deborah Day" wrote:
> >Just out of interest, what exactly is a troll?
A troll is a hugely overweight American who, with her twisted sidekick,
conducts Himmler style experiments on innocent cats.
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SLASHER Iain Coleman wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > SLASHER Patricia Roberts wrote
> > >
> > > > >I will also reply to that, I'm not a "slasher" but do enjoy het
> >erotica,
> > > > >and love FC and the people on it.
> > >
> > > Then you are a SLASHER.
> >
> >Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say then I am a slasher?
Look Iain, B7 was not about Avon rogering Blake up the arse. There is a
sexual subtext in it for some characters, but it doesn't follow the kind of
crap that the "Wortham/Rosenthal bastards" have been promoting. People my
want to fantasise about individual characters and possible situations, but
when that starts to actually encroach onto the series then we are in
trouble. This fantasy is dangerous. And there are techniques being used on
both these lysts that are trying to say that all interpretations are valid.
That is patently not true.
If I picked up a history book about Gladstone and said that "I interpret
this book to be about a badger called Frank," anyone else would say that I
was mad. That kind of thing is going on all the time here. If I wrote, "IMO
Gladstone was a politician", then people would look at me and say, "He *was*
a politician!" and they'd be right. The kind of "Wortham/Rosenthal bastard"
mindgames I see promoted here are the same kind of shit that lead to the
Salem witch hunts. The fact that SLASH came from America is not very
surprising really, because they are prone to coming up with barmy ideas.
Look at all those redneck religious groups. Look at that loony KKK leader
who is trying to promote the friendly face of race hatred. It's mad. And the
sad thing about it is there are people who will swallow all this bullshit.
The worst thing for me is that B7, a series about revolution, fighting the
establishment and fighting mindcontrol has been abused and perversely turned
into an instrument of mind control.
I know the word "mind control" sounds a bit bollocks, but it really exists.
Dr Havant in TWB tries to use a form of it on Blake. Dr Havant tries to tell
Blake that what he saw, the cold blooded murder of the rebels, was in fact
just an illusion. That what he saw has no real meaning at all and in fact
didn't happen the way he thought. Dr Havant was using his position as a
Doctor and his position as part of the ruling establishment to bring
pressure on Blake, to make Blake deny the evidence of his own eyes. This
sort of thing happens all the time. People in police custody have confessed
to crimes they did not commit, because of the mental pressure brought to
bear on them by establishment figures.
Wortham and Rosenthal were two high profile fans. Back in their day they
used to brag that they could "make or break an actor". When they found power
slipping away from them they tried to do just that. It failed. It broke
them. They've never forgotten it, and through Lysator they have promoted
their "take" on the show. This "take" has a name. It's called SLASH. A lot
of people here like SLASH. Many think it is harmless. It is not. There are
many case studies that show that pornography can have a distorting effect on
people's perceptions. That is undeniable.
SLASH to my mind is worse. Porn affects us because sex is a vital part of
being a human being. Without sex we wouldn't be here. Porn is addictive
because it stimulates the parts of the brain that deal with sexual feelings.
If you then link porn with a favourite TV show then you have two feeders.
The sex and a programme you love. Many people have been fans of B7 for many
years. It is a part of you all. You can quote lines from it. You have all
watched the episodes hundreds of times. You link that show with porn and you
have got a strong conditioner. You say that all interpretations are valid
and that B7 was in fact about porn. then you are starting to alter peoples
perceptions on reality.
The "Wortham/Rosenthal bastards" are a powerful presence on this lyst. We
know that they are serial liars. Even Faulkner has admitted on lyst that
play "mindgames". Certainly the "Wortham/Rosenthal bastard" "take" on the
show is very prevalent on this lyst, together with a number of other quite
bizzaro ideas, such as not inviting too many B7 guests to conventions, and
that these events should be about fans and that if an actor appears at a con
then he will take over.
This is psychotic fantasy. Dreamed up by two slightly mad individuals who
twelve years ago fell out with a man who is now dead. And all these views
stem from that. And are passed on. And are believed. A B7 convention will
never get many attendees because if they don't have any good guests then you
aren't going to get a lot of people. Most people are not interested in
attending a convention that is only about fan things. Most people go to
conventions because they want to see an actor. Most conventions run today
will have guests and that is what you will be up against. If you can't keep
up then you fall by the wayside. B7 has become a clique. B7 fandom has
become insular. And if that goes on then in the end B7 fandom is going to
die out. They say, "whom gods destroy, they first turn mad." SLASH is the
first sign of this madness.
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SLAHSER Lisa Williams wrote:
> >Deborah Day wrote:
> >
> >>Just out of interest, what exactly is a troll (in the flame sense?)
> >
The ones who post bizarre, paranoid rants and *do* believe them
> >are frequently emotionally unbalanced, if not actually mentally ill.
> >There's not much you can do for that lot, but it's fairly pointless to
> >to hold a rational conversation with them, because they literally can't
> >it.
That basically sums up a lot of people on this lyst.
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SLASHER Iain Coleman wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > SLASHER Iain Coleman wrote:
> > >
> > > > > > I'm deeply hurt ! If I'm going to appear in someone's
> > > > > > delusional world
> > >
> > > That's true still.
> >
> >Why do you say that's true still?
Because this entire Lyst is deluded. It is a product of Ashton Press.
> > >
> > > view I want to be one of those purple
> > > > > > lizards David Icke thinks runs the world ! Or Leah
> > > > > > Rosenthal ! I mean, Third Programmed Cultist, what a
> > > > > > let down.
> > > > >
> > > > >That's showbiz, luvvie. But always remember, there are no small
> >parts:
> > > > >only small actors.
> > >
> > > A better one would be "there are no small parts: only small minds."
> > >
> > >
> >
> >What makes you believe that?
People in small parts rarely see the big picture.
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Iain Coleman wrote:
Jenny Kaye wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > "Deborah Day" wrote
> > >
> > > > >Three whole digests
> > >
> > > All about vegetables!!!!
> >
> >Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
I think you're right. Vegetables are trying to drown me out with vegetables.
> > >
> > > > > and not a single snarky thing in it with
> > > > >incomprehensible things about camouflage.
> > >
> > > Only incomprehensible to those who don't want to listen.
> > >
> >
> >Can you elaborate on that?
Yes, see my other email to you.
> > > > > Posts about Blakes 7.
> > >
> > > These posts have nothing to do with B7.
> > >
> >
> >Is it because of your life that you say these posts have nothing to do
> >with b7?
No. It is because B7 wasn't about garden vegetables. I like a joke. But have
you ever wondered why all these tagged SLASHERS are writing 60 emails a day
about Vegetables? It's because they don't want to listen or think about what
I am saying.
> >
> > > > > Am I on
> > > > >the right list?
> > >
> > > If you're a SLASHER, yes.
> > >
> >
> >Is it because of all the people you hang around with that you are going
> >through all this?
No. It is because of all the people who hang around this lyst that I am
through all of this.
> >
> > > > >This is fun!!
> > >
> > > Who for?
> > >
> >
> >Do you really think who for?
No I think, "Not fun for me!"
> > > Please note: that there has been a lot of people talking about
> >"vegetables"
> > > on Lysator today. Three of the chief culprits have been Leah
> > > Steve Rogerson and "Evil" Annie Wortham. However, of the sixty or so
> >emails
> > > so far, 98% of them come from tagged SLASHERS. Now think to yourself,
> >why
> > > are there so many SLASHERS running around talking about "vegetables"?
> >Two
> > > reasons 1/ There is no way that I am going to be able to answer sixty
> > > emails, 2/ There is nothing I can say about them anyway, except the
> >above,
> > > over and over again. This is a SLASHER list, run by SLASHERS. Please
> >leave
> > > and join a proper B7 list now.
> > >
> >
> >How do you reconcile problems at school?
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Iain Coleman wrote:
Some examples of people
> >who are not trolls, though they are sometimes mistaken for trolls:
Entertaining precis snipped
So what are Annie Wortham and Leah Rosenthal then?
Kooks? Ideologues? The clinically insane?
None of these, just two vindictive bitchs with an ax to grind. And not much
else in their lives.
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Stephen Date said: "I don't think Caligula would have lasted long in the
B7 Universe."
Don't know, he could end up running Space City or Freedom City. He would probably
be drawn to them at any rate.
Steve Rogerson
Redemption 03, 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent
Celebrating 25 years of Blake's 7 and 10 years of Babylon 5