> Do crossovers count? I mean, crossovers without the main B7 characters,
> but with the main characters from somewhere else...?
> Kathryn Andersen
That should be all right, I think, in that it would keep with the goal
of getting less-tried character interactions. I would prefer to see
Winston from 1984 than, say, Luke Skywalker; but I would not rule out
Luke Skywalker if the writer dealt with getting him there from long ago
and a galaxy far away, and then used his empathic abilities to introduce
him to Auron society and explore the Auron philosophy.
More likely, I suppose would be a submission of "Jenna In Wonderland". I
don't see why not, as long as it's either a universe well enough known
that the majority of readers will probably 'get it', or conversely,
little known, but well handled enough that for all we don't even need to
know it's a crossover to understand and enjoy.
> (who has an idea, but too many other commitments...)
Do tell?
Oh, and if anyone sends me a Buffyverse/Blake's7 crossover, I think I'd
rather see it go to the specialized realm of Staked Blake.
And on the matter of Mary Sues...
I don't mind a tough-as-nails, attractive, competent OFC woman in a
story. In fact I'd like to see some. Avoid saccharine, and I won't say
'Mary Sue'.